Dream surf van / wagon / truck - number 29

I love this VW. And the driver. He's an old salty who lives around the corner from me. I've called him 'the man who looks like his dog' for the past year as I never knew his name. He has a if-Martin-Sheen-was-a-surfer vibe about him and has blue eyes even Kelly would be impressed by.

His surfing style is somethin' else. So cruisy. So relaxed. He has alllll the time in the world.

But, I've had to earn my stripes with these old salty locals. In the line-up, I have labrador-like enthusiasm and grin at everyone - persistently, week after week. After a while, 'the man who looks like his dog' started to smile back. Then in the past couple of weeks, he's started giving me waves. Wow.

So, I asked his name the other day. It's Duncan. And now when he drives past my house and sees me sitting out the front, he toots. I'm in!!


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