Dream surf wagon / van / truck - number 25

I have a thing for a few things - surfing (obvs), men with crows feet (indicates a life lived smiling), sausage rolls (especially from the Freshwater Creek petrol station), and Holden HQ panel vans.

I spotted this beast in the back streets of Fitzroy and looked inside for evidence of a surfer's life. Nada.

About a week later as I pulled into Point Radknight carpark, a guy in a beat-up HQ panel van pulled up beside me.

Ohhhh, that guy.

The surfer with the crow's feet, beat-up panno and cool longboard, who in summer, when I asked him in the same carpark if he'd give me a hand shoo-ing/squashing a huge spider I spotted in my car as I hopped from foot to foot, said, 'I'm not really a fan of spiders.'

Say whaaaaat??

So, as I was doing the carpark winter-wetsuit-jig the other day this gent looked at me sheepishly and said, 'Hey - aren't you the one who I didn't help out with the spider? Sorry about that.' And then walked over to me to shake hands and introduce himself. All was forgiven.


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