What Would Beyonce Do? - Lessons from the Super Bowl

'What would Beyonce do?' I have been asking myself this ever since I started surfing a couple of years ago. She is - and always will be - my hero. She's seemingly obtainable and magnificent in equal measure. And she showed us her magnificence by strutting, shimmying and singing her way through the Beyonce Bowl this week. What. A. Woman. She's got all of us ladies frothin' out - you must read Paula Joye's article.

Beyonce makes me want to try harder and be tougher. At everything. For me, 2013 has started off with a fizz rather than a bang but now it's time to flip the script. For realsies. From henceforth I'm going to roll out of bed every morning, drop to the floor and practise paddling and popping, cycle to work in a higher gear, swim an extra 1km in the pool, start running again. And that's just for starters.

If only they made leather wetsuits.

Pouting never looked so fierce


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