Eating & surfing & best mates - three of my favourite things

Alice's snaps from the weekend - includes a pic of me out on the waves... can you see that tiny speck?!
Last weekend I had two of my closest lady friends come to Camp Rad for a visit. We drank wine, we cooked, we walked on the beach, we talked about men. The usual. They were patient while I drove us around trying to find a wave in the early morning then waited while I surfed. Good friends.

And then we ate. Oh, yes.

When Alice and I were in art school back in the '90s, she taught me how to cook. I remember going to her amazing house in Brisbane and she'd cut big slices of lemon yoghurt cake and pour cups of tea from a pot. To me it was the height of sophistication.

So, on the weekend Alice whipped out a huge lemon yoghurt cake out of her carry-on luggage. My hero. If you're into baking, you must bake it (and she's a writer by trade so her blog is increds.).

She then took it all up a notch when she made sausage rolls for dinner. And served with the homemade Parsi chutney she brought down as a housewarming present.  Then George brought out a couple of bottles of Luke Lambert's wines. It was heaven.

Every surfer needs women like these in their lives. No joke.

Alice's sausage rolls & chutney. This is what heaven looks like.


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