Winter is coming!

Winter? I'm ready!
Winter is coming! And along with digging out my favourite op shop woollens and 4/3 comes the bunkering down in Camp Rad consuming Game of Thrones and Friday Night Lights then digesting the episodes over a slow-cooked meal. Stoked.

But unfortunately the weekends haven't delivered the delightful wintry conditions of the past two years so I've been rolling out of bed, pulling on the ugg boots and searching for a wave, only to come home with the paper tucked under my arm and waiting for low tide at Point Radknight.

On Sunday I saw old-saltie-of-the-headstand, Rodney, in the line-up and told him how I've befuddled my osteo with a 'mini-pec' (my terminology, not the osteo's) injury that has been agonising over the past month. Rodney said, 'Well, I've always got something wrong - my shoulder, my back, my neck, it goes on. But you know what, Gill? Never let that stop you.'

I heeded Rodney's advice and ended up having an awesome session and even taught myself a new trick. As I was heading back to shore I looked up into the carpark and saw Rodney watching me. He gave me the thumbs up and waved.

Clear eyes. Full heart. Can't lose.

Maddog heading out into messy 5ft at Winki.


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