Duct-Tape doco + a new board + Indo = good times

T.C.S.S. Presents: A Doc-umentary from Nathan Oldfield on Vimeo.

The delightful filmmaker, Nathan Oldfield and The Critical Slide Society released this lovely little  film today from the Noosa Longboarding Festival back in March. Super fun times.

Last weekend, despite a dicky mini-pec shoulder injury that has been giving me grief, I had a quick surf on a new log my dear friend, Brother Luke, has long-term loaned me. Let's just say the board and I have fallen in love. Brother Luke classed one of my waves as 'intermediate'. I was stoked. One of these days I will graduate from the 'advanced beginner' classification I have bestowed upon myself.

Me, the dorky advanced beginner and a new log. Name TBC.
Some of the fellas in this film will be at The Temple of Enthusiasm on the weekend so maybe they can give me some tips. Woohoo!


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