Building the quiver

The long and the short of it (yep.. terrible pun)
I think quiver is one of the best collective nouns there ever was. Maddog calls the ladies in the baberahams his 'quiver of babes' which I think translates quite well.

Needless to say my quiver doesn't quite constitute a quiver just yet - although my 7'6" dame cinco isn't in the photo. Still haven't had her fixed since I snapped the fin off and smashed the fin box on a rock months ago. Dang.

The new shortboard has been loaned to me by Brother Luke. A new friend of recent months from the Goldie who has been surfing for around 20 years. He has drummed into me 'surfing takes the two Cs - courage and commitment'. For reals.

He has to take a couple of years off surfing due to an injury so in his support of my ambition to transition from "surfing" to surfing has kindly loaned me one of his boards. I'm stoked. And terrified. It looks like a real surfboard beside Duke Makuloverlover. Eeek!

Still there's only one way I'm going to a) learn how to duck dive and b) be able to go out into 'some size' as Maddog puts it... and that's on a short board. It's going to feel like a toothpick out there. I'm already quakin' in me booties.

Now that's what you call a quiver.
There's a competition running at the moment by a blog I love. They're doing a 'show us your quiver' competition.. I've entered with tongue firmly in cheek. It sure ain't a quiver but by jingo by crikey one of these days my quiver will be bigger than yours. Hopefully.


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