Cluster …. and …. release
A prime example of a cluster/release relationship
Years ago a friend of mine told me about this theory he had on relationships. Basically, they’re cyclical. There’s the Big Bang and you cluster together when you first meet, then as time goes by, it fades and you drift away. Yet if the relationship/friendship is strong enough, the gravitational pull draws you together again. Unless of course someone becomes D.T.M and then it’s all over. Forevz. Think about it though … every relationship goes through this. It’s practically science.The Curiosity Show dudes would back me on the cluster/release theory, for shiz.
Now this theory works all very well and good if both parties are clustering and releasing simultaneously. It tends to go awry when one person is releasing and the other person is still clustering. You can’t do a solo cluster. I experienced this solo cluster recently and it’s a very strange place to be. C’mon, people! Aren’t we clustering here?!
An example of someone not coping with a solo cluster. This is Sam. He's just realised he's solo clustering.
I perhaps went about this solo clustering the wrong way by talking about it with everyone but the friend who had gone off to cluster elsewhere. Flashback to high school days of gossip in the schoolyard – actually let’s not even bother to flashback, that love of gossip is here to stay as far as I can tell, particularly in recent experience. News will travel at the speed of light, particularly if it’s juicy.
But. Back to Me. Solo clustering.
Things came to a head with this person and the inevitable discussion about the relationship was had. I even managed to explain the cluster/release theory with hand movements involved – big bang motion with hands that then move away in mirroring circle motions. Jazz hands not compulsory. Luckily for me, all is good in the world again now. And the cluster/release theory has been proven yet again. It’s good to be back in a cluster in the metaphorical schoolyard. Ex-oh ex-oh.
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